2024 📸Friendly Local Budapest Photographer in Amazing Hungary arrow down Instawalk Your memories captured by a local Photographer / Videographer in Budapest.

About us

Local Budapest photographer

2024 📸Friendly Local Budapest Photographer in Amazing Hungary Daniella 1x1 1 Instawalk Your memories captured by a local Photographer / Videographer in Budapest.


Makeup & Hair Artist

2024 📸Friendly Local Budapest Photographer in Amazing Hungary Romeo 1x1 1 Instawalk Your memories captured by a local Photographer / Videographer in Budapest.


Videographer & Photographer

2024 📸Friendly Local Budapest Photographer in Amazing Hungary David1x1 2 Instawalk Your memories captured by a local Photographer / Videographer in Budapest.


Founder, Photographer


behind the scenes

The Story

Get to know the Instawalk belief ideology formed by the personal story of the founder.

David formed reality from his dreams when he started to travel the world at a young age. After nearly 100 countries and 10 years of continuous traveling, he has clearly seen that the photographs faithfully reflect the memories of times past. This turning point made it clear to him that he had to make his hobby a way of life. Ever since his main objective is to create unique moments for travelers in Budapest and capture them so the memories never fade.

Since 2018, we have been believing in the power of Instawalk, we believe in special pictures!


our customers said about us

We are glad that we have shared so much joy with our clients and formed everlasting memories for over 3000 satisfied guests of Instawalk since 2018.

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2024 📸Friendly Local Budapest Photographer in Amazing Hungary icon chat Instawalk Your memories captured by a local Photographer / Videographer in Budapest.
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